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Classica Pro Font

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Classica ProDesigners: Bernd Möllenstädt, Volker Schnebel
Publisher: URW Type Foundry
Classica Pro was created by Bernd Möllenstädt, Volker Schnebel and released by URW Type Foundry. Classica Pro contains 8 designs and household plan choices. p > Classica Pro by Bernd Möllenstädt

A real option for letterpress printing

A masterpiece

It was just after many years, quickly before the end of his life, Bernd Möllenstädt brought out these early drafts of his Classica Light and Light Italic from his drawer, and asked me to produce for him on the computer a Bold and Bold Italic, from which we later on wanted to interpolate additional cuts like Regular and so on.

The boldening of letters with an oblique axis and with hairlines which ought to not grow to the exact same level as the general line widths, is difficult to deal with completely, even for the most intelligent computer program, and a lot more so, when it worries an as complex set of information as those developed by Bernd. The automatically produced result could therefore just be a primary step that had actually to be enhanced manually later. This had to do with the phase that we had actually reached when Bernd passed away in March 2013, leaving me behind with thorough corrections on proofs of this immediately created Strong. Although I was mindful that it would indicate a great deal of work to complete the task, I did not want to leave it unfinished and chose to settle and publish the Classica, also in Bernd's honor. In the course of the two years that I dealt with this font household it rather naturally ended up being likewise my own. New details were added and some of the existing changed. A book typeface requires the supreme and forgives hardly ever, it represents a true work of art. My objective and my aspiration were to produce a genuine alternative for letterpress printing, with a font family which contains all the typographic alternatives for an excellent typesetting, and is much better readable and has a better look than other existing typefaces. Whether this was accomplished, the reader may decide.

Volker Schnebel, Hamburg, december 2014

Font Family:
· Classica Pro Light
· Classica Pro Light Italic
· Classica Pro Regular
· Classica Pro Italic
· Classica Pro Demi
· Classica Pro Demi Italic
· Classica Pro Bold
· Classica Pro Bold Italic

Tags: legible, readable, romanserif, serif

Classica Pro Font Preview

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