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Dunkelbunt Font

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DunkelbuntDesigners: Erica Jung, Ricardo Marcin
Publisher: PintassilgoPrints
Dunkelbunt was developed by Erica Jung, Ricardo Marcin and published by PintassilgoPrints. Dunkelbunt contains 2 designs and family package options. p > Dunkelbunt is easily influenced by works and words of the extremely eccentric artist, architect and designer Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

It's an all caps font, with 2 cuts for each letter, filled with imaginative energy and organic kinds that will definitely make your designs shine. Take pleasure in!

Font Family:
· Dunkelbunt
· Dunkelbunt Minor

Tags: alternates, art, authentic, black, bold, cartoon, casual, children, creative, decorative, display, distinctive, drawn, eccentric, friendly, fun, funny, hand, hand-painted, handmade, handwritten, hundertwasser, imaginative, informal, kids, logo, natural, novelty, offbeat, organic, original, painted, pintassilgoprints, playful, poster, sans, toys, unique, whimsical

Dunkelbunt Font Preview

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