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TWT Pavane Font

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TWT PavanePublisher: Three Islands Press
TWT Pavane is a serif font family. This typeface has two designs and was published by 3 Islands Press.

TWT Pavane is a Garamond-style serif typeface based (like Sarabande) on Jean Jannon's "Caractères de l'université" of 1621. But while Sarabande replicates the initial faithfully, TWT Pavane has actually been adjusted to more contemporary usage-- such as a somewhat increased x-height. Still, the ascenders and descenders stay more in keeping with the French Renaissance appearance than in the majority of modern-day (so-called) Garamonds. TWT Pavane has 2 designs: a roman and a real italic.

Font Family:
· TWT Pavane Regular
· TWT Pavane Regular Italic

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