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Big Chuck Font

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Big ChuckDesigner: Shane Brandes
Publisher: Proportional Lime
Huge Chuck was developed by Shane Brandes and released by Proportional Lime. Huge Chuck consists of 1 style. p > Charlemagne, one of the terrific rulers of the Middle Ages, contributed in the reestablishment of formal education in the West.

This font was inspired by the idea that he felt the need to safeguard his communications from people with the capability to read; a rare ability then. Did he actually command such a script to exist? He did prompt the advancement Carolingian tiny script. Here are 2 different systems that are both credited to him.

Does it offer any real security? No, however it is fun to think of how such a system may have been used.

Font Family: Big Chuck

Tags: 9th century, charlemagne, cipher, decorative

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